Restorative Justice Week 2024 hero

Restorative Justice Week

Restorative Justice Week: 17-23 November 2024
Join the #RJWeek campaign!

Restorative Justice Week 2024 standing banner

The 2024 theme

Every year, on the 3rd week of November, it is Restorative Justice Week! (#RJWeek) During this international campaign individual pioneers and well-established organisations working in the field of restorative justice organise a series of events to raise awareness about restorative justice. Each year the EFRJ proposes a specific theme for the week and encourages everyone to take part in the celebrations and awareness raising actions. 
Are you already busy with organising something? Get in touch if you need support to promote your idea! The following theme is proposed for the 2024 international Restorative Justice Week:

“The promise of restorative justice in a polarising world”

This year the Restorative Justice Week takes place between 17-23 November! 

Download the campaign visuals from here


Get the 2024 Restorative Justice Week Magazine

Read & share the digital version, or download and print your own copy!

This special Magazine was created for Restorative Justice Week 2024. It: 

  • tells the story of the Restorative Justice Week;
  • discusses this year's theme: polarisation, how it affect our societies, and possible restorative responses to it as well;
  • features stories and testimonies of individuals who have experienced restorative justice in and after situations of extreme harm linked the polarisation, such as bereaved Israeli & Palestinian parents of the Parents Circle, or people affected by the 2016 terrorist attacks in Brussels;
  • it gives a snippet of the many 2024 Restorative Justice Week events organised around the world;
  • and finally it gives tips to get involved for individuals and organisations! 

We hope that you will enjoy this special publication! Feel encouraged to download and share the digital version or to print it! 

Restorative Justice Week events around the world

We keep updating this map (and a calendar as well coming soon!) with events organised to mark the Restorative Justice Week 2024. If you organise an event and don't see it here yet, use the form at the bottom of the page to submit the details to us! 

For the 2024 Restorative Justice Week, Luc Rombouts, the official carillonneur of Leuven, will be performing a special Carillon concert. 
» Propose your favourite 'restorative' song/musical piece for Luc to include in the musical programme!
» 20th of November 2024 at 1 pm CET in the centre of Leuven (Belgium) in Ladeuzeplein. 
» Live-streamed on YouTube and Facebook (on our website too). 

The "Restorative Justice in Local Communities Around the World" series is a special initiative by the International Institute for Restorative Practices in partnership with the European Forum for Restorative Justice EFRJ, featured on the "Restorative Works!" podcast. This five-episode series marking the 2024 Restorative Justice Week showcases the diverse and impactful applications of restorative justice in local communities across the globe.

Read the report of our coordination meeting

On June 27th 2024 the European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) offered a platform for restorative justice organisations worldwide to discuss collaboration and coordination possibilities for the Restorative Justice Week celebrations/campaign in 2024. The meeting was attended by 34 participants from all over the world representing network and other influential organisations working with restorative justice and restorative practices. You can now read the report of the meeting, including a proposal for the 2024 Restorative Justice Week campaign and the details for the follow-up Restorative Justice Week preparatory meeting on 4th of September 2024.

Report: RJWeek24 Coordination meeting 27the June 2024

A Little History

It all started in 1975 in England, where prison chaplains launched a day to remember incarcerated people, the ‘Prisoner’s Sunday’. The idea was then spread in other countries and 20 years later it become the ‘Prisoner’s Week’.
Finally, in 1996 Canada expanded the prisoner’s week into the ‘Restorative Justice Week: Community, Victims, and Prisoners’, later shortened to ‘Restorative Justice Week’.  
Nowadays, the International RESTORATIVE JUSTICE WEEK (#RJWeek) takes place every year all over Europe and beyond. The European Forum for Restorative Justice joins the annual international campaign since 2000 with initiatives organised by the Secretariat and by sharing information on events launched by our members! 

The ‘Prisoner’s Week’ is still celebrated and in Belgium the national prison week and our international Restorative Justice Week are celebrated with a good collaboration between the EFRJ and local organisers working in prison settings: for example, in 2017 their theme is about family members of prisoners, something where restorative justice can have a proper say.

Help us collect and map events organised to celebrate the Restorative Justice Week in 2024.

We invite everyone to organise their local events, and help us make the extended network of restorative events visible by sharing information on what is happening at different locations around globally. 
If you are organiser of a local event (or several), please provide us information via the form below. (Click on the title to open it!)  

Please provide here information about any event organised to celebrate the international Restorative Justice Week! If you organise several events, please fill in the form for each separately. Thank you! 
Please provide the country which is organising the event. 
Please give the venue where the event will be organised. Please be as specific as possible as we will display the RJWeek events on a map. Please indicate here if it wil be an online event.
Please give the main language of the event. 
Please provide a short text that we can use to promote your event or diesseminate information about it. Please include the target audience of the event. 
If you would like to enable inquires about the event, please provide an email address where you can be contacted.