Partners: School for Mass Communication Research, and the Leuven Institute of Criminology from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology (Austria), Restorative Justice Consortium (UK), National Mediation Service (Norway), Albanian Foundation for Conflict Resolution and Radio La Benevolencija (the Netherlands).
Duration: 28 months (01/12/2007 - 30/03/2010)
Funding: JPEN 2007. With financial support of the European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom and Security.
Summary of the project: Throughout the project, the European forum for restorative justice, tries to investigate possible ways that can lead restorative justice to reach more active support in society. The concept of social support is itself a fuzzy one, but for the purpose of this project it is translated into three main categories, reflected in the following questions:
- How can interaction and cooperation with the media be set up in order to inform and educate the public about restorative justice?
- How can cooperation be developed with civil society organisations in order to inform and educate the public and to create broad support for restorative justice?
- How can we increase the involvement of individual citizens in the functioning of local restorative justice programmes?