On Thursday 3 March 2022 the Criminal Justice Platform Europe organized a webinar on Victims´ Rights
with a focus on the role of prison, probation, and restorative justice.
Ten years ago the EU Victims´ Rights Directive was adopted by the European Commission. For the victims of
crime, the adoption of the Directive was a turning point as it not only laid down a set of rights for victims
but also corresponding obligations on the EU Member States.
The webinar explored how the situation has changed during the last ten years, how and to what extent
the victims of crime are reflected in the work of prison and probation service, what kind of programmes
are available for victims and offenders, and how it works in practice.
The webinar provided two presentations with practical examples from various EU jurisdictions on how
prison and probation services cooperate with victims of crime and how the EU Victim Rights Directive is
reflected in their work. The last presentation discussed the role of prison and probation in the process of
practical implementation of victims´ rights with a focus on the needs of victims, and outlined the key
challenges and elements of cooperation between the victim and probation/prison.
The presenters invited were:
- Hanna Harnesk – Psychologist of the Swedish Prison and Probation Service
- Adam Štix – Czech Probation and Mediation Service
- Levent Altan – Executive Director, Victim Support Europe
Presentations are available below.