AGM 2021

Annual General Meeting 2021

View the AGM recordings on Vimeo

If you attended the AGM, scroll down to submit your evaluation!


For the 2nd year in a row, our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place online. By now, we are all more familiar with virtual meeting rooms, but still we are dreaming of those spontaneous interactions encouraged by the mere fact of gathering together under the same roof. We definitely cannot wait for our conference in Sassari 2022!



16 June 2021 between 17-19 hrs (CEST).


We will meet in a Zoom Meeting room. Registered members will receive the link in their emails on 16 June morning. Make sure to check your spam folder if you did not receive it. In case you still miss the link, write to the Secretariat at we will respond to emails until three hours before the AGM starts.


Yes, all members who wish to attend the online AGM 2021 must register before 14 June (midnight CET) in order to receive the link to Zoom Meetings. Click here to register.


The 2-hours meeting includes presentations, time for Q&A, an interactive session on future EFRJ plans and approval of relevant documents and membership issues. Click here to download the agenda. 


Only members with full voting rights can vote. Please consult the membership directory 2020 if you have doubts about the status of your membership. Approval of reports and memberships (annexes 1, 2, 3) will happen during the AGM by live polling. The votes of the organisational members count per 3, while the votes of individual members count for 1. If you can not attend the AGM, but would like to be represented, please give a proxy to another full member. Please email proxies to until 14 June 2021.

In case you didn't yet, please do not forget to renew your membership 2021 to keep on supporting the restorative justice movement in Europe and beyond! Also, register to our virtual symposium on 21-25 June to engage in discussions, get inspired and support other professionals in the field.

Proxy vote

All members (full and associate) are entitled to attend and speak at the AGM. Still, voting rights are reserved to full members only. If you are a full member but you cannot attend the AGM, we kindly invite you to participate by giving a proxy to another individual or organisational member with full membership status. In practice this means:

  • You must write and sign a document in which you express that another EFRJ member will vote on your behalf. On this document, you must state the following: "I, your full name, authorise full name of the person/organisation to which you give your proxy vote to vote on my behalf at the 2021 Annual General Meeting of the EFRJ to be held online on 16 June 2021. Date, place, your signature"
  • Please note that any member with full membership status can only act as a proxy for a maximum of 5 other full members. The person/organisation to which you have given your proxy vote should send the signed (original via regular mail or scanned via email) document to the EFRJ Secretariat.

It is important that members with full voting rights participate (also via proxy) since the AGM approves the annual reports. Please consult the membership directory in case you need to contact another EFRJ member to support your proposal for the agenda, or to vote on your behalf via proxy. Do not forget to check your contact details and inform the Secretariat in case of changes or mistakes.

membership directory 2020 first page


Every year the European Forum for Restorative Justice launches an updated membership directory with all contact details of our individual and organisational members coming from around the world.  This document is only available for EFRJ members and it is shared every year before the Annual General Meeting (AGM). 

You can download it by clicking the button below.