
Events Related to Projects

Here you will find events that are organised in the framework of projects we are engaged in. 

Future Paths in Restorative Justice with Children

International Seminar 2 September 2024 (Brussels)

The i-RESTORE 2.0 project aims at establishing procedures to ensure quality restorative justice is accessible to children involved with the law. This project is a collaboration among seven partner organisations from Romania, Hungary, Greece, Belgium, Netherlands, and Estonia.

The closing event of the project will present all results and activities organised, materials that were co-created with our Child Advisory Boards, and give an overview of how the restorative approaches in each country evolved as a result of the project’s implementation. 

The Role of the Judiciary in the Application of Restorative Justice

International Seminar 30 - 31 March 2022 (Leuven and online)

This event marks the closure of the EU-funded project RE-JUSTICE, coordinated by KU Leuven (Institute of Criminology) over the past two years, and in partnership with the European Forum for Restorative Justice, the Belgian National Judicial Training Institute (IGO), the European Judicial Training Network (EJTN), University partners and National Judiciary Schools from Italy (UCSC and SSM), Greece (AUTh and ESDI) and Spain (UC3M and CGPJ).
The consortium invites participants  from across Europe and beyond to come to Leuven (or join us online, through the Zoom platform) to learn about the project outcomes, and most of all to discuss with other judges, public prosecutors, restorative justice practitioners, students, researchers, and all other professionals interested, the role of the judiciary in the application of restorative justice and to address with us some key questions: what are the main challenges in the intersection between restorative justice and criminal justice? What are some possible solutions? What are the lessons learnt from the close collaboration with Judiciary Schools within the project? What are the training methods and tools that can be effective in increasing knowledge and skills, change attitudes and raise awareness about restorative justice among judicial actors?



The final conference of the project “Implementing RJ with Child Victims“, coordinated by the IJJO- International Juvenile Justice Observatory, in which the European Forum for Restorative Justice was a partner, was in Brussels on 7 December 2018.

Booklet IJJO conference "Implementing Restorative Justice with Child Victims" Brussels 2018


As partner in the EU-funded project ‘Victims of road traffic offences’, the European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) co-organised a one-day seminar in Leuven the 20th April 2018. 

This seminar had the objective to share preliminary findings and experiences on Restorative Justice  (RJ) in road traffic offences. The targeted audience was RJ practitioners and experts but also other professionals like victim support workers and victim-volunteers. 

The project focused on three main topics:
1. Needs of road traffic victims, with focus on information & support
2. Restorative justice for people involved in road traffic offences, highlighting also the role of the police, the judiciary and social services
3. Interdisciplinary cooperation between the different groups involved (e.g. the police, the judiciary, victim support services, the medical sector, self-help groups of victim-volunteers, insurance agencies).

The project was coordinated by Rondpunt (Flemish service supporting victims of road traffic accidents) with the support of the Justice programme of the EU. Partners in this project are Moderator (Flemish RJ service) and the KU Leuven Institute of Criminology. Associate partners are the EFRJ, the European Federation of Road Traffic Victims (FEVR)  and Victim Support Europe.

Victims of road traffic offences: a summary of existing knowledge (Muriël Booms)

Needs of victims of road traffic offences and interdisciplinary cooperation (Joke Castelein)

Restorative practices for road traffic offences in Europe (Ingrid Marit)

Getting to grips with the practice of VOM in road traffic offences (Ingrid Marit)


The International Juvenile Justice Observatory (IJJO), in partnership with KU Leuven and the European Forum for Restorative Justice organized a training session on Restorative Justice, with a special attention on child victims, on 8-9 November 2017 in Leuven (Belgium).

This training took place in the framework of the IJJO led project ‘Implementing Restorative Justice with Child Victims‘, co-funded by the DAPHNE programme of the European Union.
In addition to examining restorative justice practices (mediation, conferencing), the training placed emphasis on implementation measures.

See below the programme and the presentations of the training. 


1. Brunilda Pali– Introduction (RJ definitions, regulations and organisational Models) – 081117

2. Inge Vanfraechem – Implementation Conferencing Case study Belgium -081117

3. Ivo Aertsen – Implementation Mediation Case study Belgium – 081117

4. Panel session – Theme 1 Legislation – facilitated by Edit Törzs – 081117

5. Tim Chapman – Introduction to RJ practices (mediation, conferencing, circles) – 091117

6. Hugh Campbell – Key theories of childhood to the experience of being a victim of harm – 091117

7. Hugh Campbell – Training (models, standards) – 091117

8. Edit Törzs – Training (models, standards) – 091117


On the 9th-16th October 2016, the European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) organised a Training Course (TC) under the Erasmus+ programme in Leuven entitled ‘Restorative ME’.

RESTORATIVE ME provided participants with strategies, methodologies and tools of work typical of mediators stimulating therefore constructive communication, emphatic dialogue and acceptance of different points of view and positions as a resource. The skills and expertise of the trainers provided a unique opportunity for participants to broaden their knowledge of restorative justice practices and principles through a variety of non-formal education techniques, workshops, and interactive sessions. The formative visits to the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, the Secretariat of the EFRJ and a local organisation engaged in mediation enriched the training with insights from research and practice on restorative justice.


  • Raising awareness of restorative justice approaches within European youth workers;
  • Empowering youth workers with strategies and methods typical of mediators;
  • Developing youth workers competences in managing conflicts using approaches based on dialogue and cooperation among parties involved and by providing a specific set of skills;
  • Enhancing emphatic dialogue and stimulating teamwork attitude to improve the overall employability and professionality of the youth workers attending the TC and giving useful tools to their sending organisations;
  • Promoting international exchange of practices and tools to deal with conflict based on the different background and experience of the represented countries. 


Programme RESTME


This was the final seminar (26th January 2016) of the project Restorative Justice in Cases of Domestic Violence, Best practice examples between increasing mutual understanding and awareness of specific protection needs.

The project was financed by the European Commission (JUST/2013/JPEN/AG/5487) and coordinated by the Verwey-Jonker Institute.

The partner organisations were:
Austria: Institute of Conflict Research (IKF) & Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology (IRKS)
BelgiumEuropean Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ)
Denmark: National Organisation of Women’s Shelters in Denmark (LOKK)
Finland: Department of Criminal Policy of the Ministry of Justice (MJF)
Greece: European Public Law Organization (EPLO)
The Netherlands: Verwey-Jonker Institute (VJI),
United Kingdom (England&Wales): Independent Academic Research Studies (IARS)

The focus of the two years project was on developing minimum standards on the use of restorative justice (RJ) in domestic violence cases. It started with the following questions: Can RJ be a solution in cases of domestic violence and if so, under what circumstances? This project seeks to fill research gaps, pull together existing knowledge and to gain a better understanding of the risks and potentialities of using restorative justice in cases of ‘intimate partner violence’ (IPV). 

The research shows that the use of restorative justice in IPV cases is happening in Europe and in the countries involved in this study. However, there is significant diversity in practice at the local level.

You can download here all the presentations. 

Seminar agenda Brussels January 2016

Guide "Restorative Justice in Cases of Domestic Violence"

Comparative Report

Comparative Report II


The final conference of the ALTERNATIVE project on restorative justice in intercultural settings took place on 16-18 November 2015 in Leuven (Belgium). The conference was titled: Justice and Security in Intercultural Europe: Exploring Alternatives.

ALTERNATIVE is a four-year research project funded by the FP 7 Programme of the European Commission. Its aim is to look for different ways to define justice and security approaches in intercultural settings through implementing restorative justice practices.

The ALTERNATIVE project challenges discourses of (in)security, which claim that ‘cultural difference’ leads to inevitable social breakdown. In periods of increasing social tensions and perceptions of insecurity, culture often becomes a refracting lens through which conflict perceptions are formed. These (in)security discourses, imbued with moral credibility and political authority, then produce exclusionary and shielding mechanisms for social groups to coexist, mechanisms which often have led to jeopardising both perceptions of justice and active citizenship, in exchange for ‘security’. ALTERNATIVE looks for different and more constructive ways of dealing with these (in)security issues.

The conference brought together scholars, researchers, policy makers and practitioners working in the fields of justice, security, intercultural communication, conflict resolution and community building. This final event was organised by the KU Leuven Institute of Criminology together with the European Forum for Restorative Justice and in collaboration with the project partners Norwegian Social Research Institute (Norway), Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology (Austria), Foresee Research Group (Hungary), Victimology Society of Serbia (Serbia) and the University of Ulster (United Kingdom).

To know more about the final conference, take a look on the ALTERNATIVE website.
Read also the opinion pieces of the researchers on the ALTERNATIVE blog and watch the project films on the ALTERNATIVE Films Online Platform


In the framework of the ALTERNATIVE project, the Norwegian project partner NOVA organised a 1.5 days regional workshop on 11 and 12 February 2015 in Oslo, Norway aiming to bring together participants interested in restorative justice in intercultural settings from the Scandinavian countries and beyond. 

More details can be found on the ALTERNATIVE website


The final conference of the KU Leuven coordinated Daphne Project ‘Developing integrated responses to sexual violence: an interdisciplinary research project on the potential of restorative justice (JUST/2011/DAP/3350), took place from 12 to 14 November 2014 at the University of Leuven.