The final conference of the ALTERNATIVE project on restorative justice in intercultural settings took place on 16-18 November 2015 in Leuven (Belgium). The conference was titled: Justice and Security in Intercultural Europe: Exploring Alternatives.
ALTERNATIVE is a four-year research project funded by the FP 7 Programme of the European Commission. Its aim is to look for different ways to define justice and security approaches in intercultural settings through implementing restorative justice practices.
The ALTERNATIVE project challenges discourses of (in)security, which claim that ‘cultural difference’ leads to inevitable social breakdown. In periods of increasing social tensions and perceptions of insecurity, culture often becomes a refracting lens through which conflict perceptions are formed. These (in)security discourses, imbued with moral credibility and political authority, then produce exclusionary and shielding mechanisms for social groups to coexist, mechanisms which often have led to jeopardising both perceptions of justice and active citizenship, in exchange for ‘security’. ALTERNATIVE looks for different and more constructive ways of dealing with these (in)security issues.
The conference brought together scholars, researchers, policy makers and practitioners working in the fields of justice, security, intercultural communication, conflict resolution and community building. This final event was organised by the KU Leuven Institute of Criminology together with the European Forum for Restorative Justice and in collaboration with the project partners Norwegian Social Research Institute (Norway), Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology (Austria), Foresee Research Group (Hungary), Victimology Society of Serbia (Serbia) and the University of Ulster (United Kingdom).
To know more about the final conference, take a look on the ALTERNATIVE website.
Read also the opinion pieces of the researchers on the ALTERNATIVE blog and watch the project films on the ALTERNATIVE Films Online Platform.