Painting "L'albero" of Sardinian artist Maria Lai

Looking forward to Sassari 2021


As a consequence of the Covid-19 crisis, the EFRJ postponed its 11th international conference in Sassari to 24-26 June 2021. To honour these days and the work done by our Italian members to prepare this event, we invited some (of the many) experts behind the scenes of the conference. Their contributions may be relevant for the current situation we live in, as they aim at looking forward to restorative responses to building communities and relationships and also to strengthening the inner core of individual human beings.

On 26 June  2020 (18-19h), exactly one year to meeting you all in Sassari, we will have a virtual conversation with:

  • Tim Chapman (EFRJ Chair)– Impressions of Sardinian restorative experiences
  • Patrizia Patrizi (EFRJ Board member) – The Team delle Pratiche di Giustizia Riparativa in Sassari University
  • Giulia Brandinelli (Archivio Maria Lai) –  Relational art of Sardinian artist Maria Lai
  • Gian Luigi Lepri (Sassari University & PsicoIus) – Nuchis prison and Tempio Pausania Restorative City
  • Ernesto Lodi (Sassari University & PsicoIus) – Restorative justice and well-being

Click below to register to this webinar: in your confirmation email you will receive the link to the webinar (Blackboard Collaborate). If you didn't, click here to join the webinar at 18h CET!




This webinar has been video recorded. Scroll down to watch the video, published on the Vimeo channel of the EFRJ.