The Winter Academy will include three practice-oriented courses, which will run parallelly. Participants can choose from one of the following courses:
A) Sensitive & Complex Cases in Restorative Justice: Domestic Abuse
trainers: Tim Chapman (UK, Northern Ireland) and Anna Halonen (Finland)
This course designed to prepare practitioners to work restoratively in sensitive and complex cases of domestic abuse. It aims to put the victim front and centre of the restorative process. It is informed by research and practice in the experience of victims of participating in restorative justice.
Details of the course »
B) Victims' Needs and Restorative Justice: Good Practices and Safeguards
trainers: Peter Crory (UK, Northern Ireland) & Lisa Walters (Belgium)
This course will develop the skills of professionals working in direct contact with victims of crime or supporting the practical implementation of victims’ rights. Participants will better understand how restorative justice responds to the (justice, safety, and other) needs of victims and will help to make a better offer/assessment/referral of victims for restorative justice services.
The course focuses on the challenges and opportunities of restorative justice from the victims’ perspective, looking at the different steps that may ensure access to restorative justice for victims.
Details of the course »
C) Restorative Approaches for Young People: In Education and Institutions
trainers: Dr Belinda Hopkins (UK) and Hanne Dehertog (Belgium)
In this course participants can learn about transforming relationships and the management of staff teams, youth groups and classes by addressing conflicts, bullying, challenging, anti-social and criminal behaviours as well as low-level disruption in a restorative, emotionally literate way. It is designed for those wanting to develop restorative approaches in educational and youth settings, including those working in and with schools and specialist support units; and in youth justice environments. Senior managers especially encouraged to attend.