Sexual Violence project


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News from the European Forum for Restorative Justice
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On this special year we wish to invite our members to actively take part in one or more new Working Groups we are about to launch. Please read the details below and -if you are interested- submit your application form before 7 September.


The EFRJ contributed to the report by submitting  feedback, and we welcome that the final versison recognises restorative justice as instrument to help victims. 

update on the organisation

After saying a fond farewell to two leaving Board members, the two new Board members were elected and announced during the Annual General Meeting on 24 June 2020. 


The European Commission published its Report on the implementation of the Victim’s Rights Directive (2012/29/EU) in the Member States,. The document is a cornerstone of the EU victims’ rights policy and it is also the first binding EU legislation on restorative justice. 

EFRJ event

Save the new dates of the 11th International European Forum for Restorative Justice Conference in Sassari: 24-26 June 2021. 


We have invited for a short interview Ms Jee Aei (Jamie) Lee, Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Officer of the Justice Section of the UNODC, who was the key coordinator of the new edition of the UNODC Handbook on Restorative Justice Programmes.


The EFRJ launches a call for stories and testimonials from individuals who participated in a restorative processes. 


To have a better overview about the valuable training resources in our network we are establishing a Register of Qualified Trainers


On the occasion of its 20th anniversary the European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) will publish a Jubilee Magazine. The call for contributions is open until 21 July 2020 (extended deadline)!


The EFRJ Board and Secretariat, in close collaboration with the local organising team from Sassari University, and after consulting the representative of the Justice Programme of the European Commission, have decided to postpone the 11th international EFRJ conference to the end of June 2021. We wish to honour the work done until now by the Team delle Pratiche di Giustizia Ristorativa in Sassari University and give you all the opportunity to join this event next year. 


In these extraordinary times, when we are all asked to isolate ourselves, and when many of our members and partners have to face unprecedented situations, we want to express our solidarity and strengthen the community we belong to. That is why we are launching the #SolidarityOverDistance campaign today.


We are excited to share interviews with two extraordinary women on this International Women's Day: Dr Marie Keenan and  Ailbhe Griffith. They both advocate  for making restorative justice available and accessible for survivors of sexual harm.