The European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) aims at building relations and to cooperate with other European professional networks. Besides working together on specific projects, we build long term cooperation with organisations working in the field of criminal justice to support mutual learning, create synergies in policy related work, offer and gain more visibility and create channels for cross-professional development.
The Criminal Justice Platform Europe (CJPE): Founded in 2013 is a partnership of three network organisations addressing criminal justice issues in Europe: EuroPris - the European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services, CEP - the Confederation of European Probation and the EFRJ. Our joint vision is to reduce reoffending and the impact of crime through improved practices working with victims, communities and offenders throughout Europe. This cooperation helps to develop mutual understanding and trust between different professional fields (prison, probation and restorative justice) on a European level. The Platform organises as well common initiatives, such as the CJPE summer course held every July in Barcelona.
KU Leuven Institute of Criminology (LINC): The EFRJ cooperates closely with the KU Leuven Institute of Criminology (LINC). The EFRJ grew out of a LINC project in the 1990s and the EFRJ Secretariat is still based in the Institute. Being situated in the KU Leuven LINC building, the EFRJ staff has daily contacts with the LINC researchers working on RJ and related topics. We occasionally co-organises seminars, study visits or other events with LINC and we often cooperate in research projects.
European Family Justice Alliance (EFJCA): The EFRJ has signed in 2018 a Memorandum of Understanding with the EFJCA and since then they have been collaborating in partnership, joining ventures and sharing opportunities. The aim of the EFJCA is to create a European Network of Family Justice Centres focusing on an integrated approach of domestic violence, child abuse and sexual violence.