The Restorative Justice Week 2023 took place between 19 - 25 November 2023.
The theme highlighted the relevance of restorative justice when it comes to facing the great challenges of our times. It presented restorative justice as a versatile instrument at our availability that can contribute to ease or resolve conflicts weighing on us. Conflicts that we struggle with, that we find difficult imagining how to tackle. It offers unrecognised ways to approach deeply trenched matters, new clues for starting a dialogue, making connections, building solidarity, restoring justice. It fuels our quest for better ways for living together.
What to do?
- Join the online campaign, by sharing information (on restorative justice, on the significance of granting equal access to restorative justice, and on current #RJWeek events), and messages! Use the hashtags: #RJWeek #ReleasingThePotentialOfRestorativeJustice #AcccessToRestorativeJustice
- Organise your local event or campaign - and inform us, so we can spread the word!
- As every year, the EFRJ will gather and give visibility to all contributions to the week. Find out how you can contribute this year!