Discussion on a training

European Restorative Justice Learning Centre

Learn with us about restorative justice!

The European Forum for Restorative Justice organises its courses on restorative justice and its applications.  These can be attended as one time event, or can be combined for progressive learning. The different courses offer valuable insight both for beginners and for advanced learners. Training can happen online or face-to-face. The courses apply participatory learning methodologies, close-to-practice examples, and they are delivered by members of the EFRJ Register of Qualified Trainers.  The EFRJ organises training in different languages represented in Europe. 

Upcoming courses

  • 3rd EFRJ Winter Academy, 3 - 7 February 2025 in Leuven, Belgium [topics: Imprisonment and restorative justice; Basic restorative training skills] 
  • 2nd Restorative Trainers' Retreat (TBC: Greece, 17-20 May 2025) 
  • 10th EFRJ Summer School, 16-20 June 2025, San Sebastian, (Basque Country), Spain [topic: Restorative justice responses to harm in institutional settings]
  • CJPE Summer Course, 1-4 July 2025, CEJFE, Barcelona, Spain [topic: How to promote change, strengthening the professional role within restorative justice, probation services, and prisons]
  • Restorative Evaluation (The online course in English will take place every two weeks on Thursday, from 2nd October to 13th November 2025. The lessons will be held on 2nd October, 16th October, 30th October, and 13th November, from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm. The trainer will be Terence Bevington) 


Map of EFRJ training events (2005-2025)

Who are facilitating our training and learning events?

The EFRJ seeks to work with the most competent trainers whose expertise best matches the needs of the learners. To facilitate its learning events, the EFRJ invites trainers who combine a good amount of practice based experience with seasoned educational skills. When more than one trainer facilitates an event, they typically complement each other, in teaching style, areas of expertise and often regarding their national background too. This contributes to the international perspective of the EFRJ learning events. It is an expectation of the trainers that in their facilitation style they model restorative values and align with the restorative justice values and principles defined by the EFRJ. 

On its training courses and other learning events EFRJ typically collaborates with trainers who are members of the EFRJ Register of Restorative Justice Trainers and Consultants. To know more about the Register, or how to apply to become a member of it, you can read more on the following the link below. 

Customised training offer

The EFRJ offers tailor made trainings in various applications restorative justice and related subjects on a variety of languages. These courses are adapted to your needs: they will address the subject that is important for you, equip your team or organisation with skills relevant for your context and that help you respond to the challenges. The courses may take place in-person or online in the language that suits you the best. 

Should you be interested in requesting a training for your organisation, do not hesitate to contact us

Our offer of courses

The Introduction to Restorative Justice course invites participants to discover the basics of restorative justice,  its purpose, key principles, models, applicability, and supporting legal instruments. 

The EFRJ course offers a thorough insight into application of restorative justice in cases of serious harm. 

Corso introduttivo alla giustizia riparativa dell' European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) - Forum Europeo di Giustizia Riparativa).

Corso introduttivo dell'European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) - Forum Europeo di Giustizia Riparativa. 

The International Criminal Justice Summer Course will be held in Barcelona on 5-8 July 2022 and will be dedicated to 'Responses to Sexual Violence'. It will be a unique opportunity to finally meet in person professionals from other countries, from different disciplines, and from a range of backgrounds. Participants will be able to share and learn how to respond to sexual violence and ...

The webinar organised by the Criminal Justice Platform Europe on the 3 of March 2022 aims to explore the role of prison and probation services in ensuring victim’s rights. What are the important elements of the Victims’ Rights Directive in this regard and what are the lessons learned? How do prison and probation services address the victims’ right to information? Starting with practice examples from prison and probation services the webinar will discuss the broader situation of victims’ rights in different legal systems and specifically in prison and probation.

Register here

Victims’ rights in Europe evolved in the past years, and the European Commission launched its first ever Victims’ Rights Strategy in 2020. What are important elements of this Strategy? What are the implications for probation, prison and restorative justice? How could these fields support victims’ rights and make their work more informed on victims’ needs? 
Victims' rights in Europe - Why do they matter for offender reintegration? Free webinar on 7 July 2021 between 10 am - 12 pm CEST. 

In the 4th webinar of the series about Restorative School Culture with Michelle Stowe (Ireland) and Nancy Riestenberg  (USA)
will talk about how restorative practices can transform the culture and improve the climate in schools on 13 December. 

Learn about restorative justice and its special areas through our online events. 

Our summer schools concentrate on various areas of restorative justice every second year.