
Restorative justice in juvenile criminal matters

Webinar with the authors of the national report on juvenile restorative justice 
from the Italian childhood and adolescence guarantor authority

Wednesday 22 January 2025 at 11:30-13:00 (CET)

In the past years, the European Forum for Restorative Justice engaged in several initiatives to further advance access to high-quality restorative justice for children and young people. For example, the EFRJ has been involved in relevant EU-funded projects (such as i-RESTORE and i-RESTORE 2.0), it cooperates with the newly established Child Friendly Justice - European Network (CFJ-EN) and it coordinates a Working Group on Restorative Schools to ensure that restorative practices are included in the educational journey of children and young people. In the near future, in May 2025 in Athens, the EFRJ will host its 13th international seminar focusing on the role of restorative justice with children on the move. 

This webinar focuses on how restorative justice is implemented with children in contact with the law (not necessarily in conflict with the law) and the benefits that restorative justice can obtain for victims, offenders and the community. Starting from the extensive research report of the Italian Autorità Garante per l'Infanzia e l'Adolescenza (AGIA - Guarantor Authority for Childhood and Adolescence), the discussion will include reflections from EFRJ members experts on the topic, who contributed to the Italian national research and can help us to make these findings relevant for the European context and beyond.




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The 90-min webinar will start at 11:30 CET (Brussels time). To adapt the hours to your own time zone, you can use this tool.


The webinar

The 90-min webinar will follow this structure:

  • Welcome greetings from the EFRJ (Maia Chochua, Georgia - EFRJ Board member) and from the AGIA (Carla Garlatti, Italian guarantor authority for childhood and adolescence)
  • Presentation of the research report (Benedetta Bertolini, researcher of the Istituto degli Innocenti for AGIA)
  • Short 10-min video on the research findings - subtitled in English
  • Discussion with EFRJ experts (Tim Chapman, Northern Ireland & Silvia Randazzo, Belgium)
  • Q&A with the audience and closing remarks

The research project

The Italian Autorità Garante per l'Infanzia e l'Adolescenza (AGIA - Guarantor Authority for Children and Adolescents) has conducted a national study, with the Ministry of Justice and the Istituto degli Innocenti (Institute of Innocents), over two years (2022-2023). The research aimed to answer three questions: 

1. What are the possible effects of restorative justice in the juvenile criminal system? 

2. What does it concretely entail? 

3. Who are the current providers of services in this field in Italy?

These questions assumed particular relevance in light of the very recent reform introduced by former Minister Marta Cartabia, who, with Legislative Decree 150 of 2022, has established restorative justice as a paradigm that all legal operators, and others, are now called to confront.

The national study, which is qualitative in nature, consists of three parts: the first collects, in a narrative and choral manner, the testimonies of young people who were either offenders or victims of crime, as well as parents and juvenile justice officers, who share from their experience what participation in a restorative justice program has brought to their lives. The second part focuses on the identification, also through qualitative research tools such as focus groups and interviews, of restorative justice programs currently in use in Italy, with particular attention to those that differ from victim-offender mediation. Finally, the third part of the study provides an overview of the nature and characteristics of the entities—both public and private social organisations—that offer restorative justice services nationwide.

The publication has now been translated into English, in digital format to ensure maximum dissemination, and includes in the appendix the new comprehensive regulation of restorative justice. The EFRJ decided to host this webinar, due to the relevance and urgency of the topic in general and also in preparation of its 13th international seminar in Athens.

Restorative Justice in the Juvenile Criminal System

Italian National Survey on Effects, Programmes and Services

The video

"Teaser of the video: Restorative Justice – Voices from a meeting"

Alongside the investigation, based on the testimonies gathered particularly from young people, a video titled "Restorative Justice: Voices from a Meeting" has also been created. Restorative justice can indeed be understood and embraced not through abstract discussions and presentations, but rather through the living words of those who have experienced it. For privacy reasons, the voices and images in the video do not correspond to those of the actual witnesses, but each fragment, each story, constitutes a precious legacy from individuals who generously shared their experiences.

The hope is that these works will facilitate, within institutions as well as among the general public, and not only in Italy, the cultural shift of restorative justice. Above all, that justice—also with the contribution of restorative justice—can increasingly fulfil its highest mission of reconstructing broken social ties and caring for the community.

Guest speakers

  • Carla Garlatti (Italy), Italian Guarantor Authority for Children and Adolescents
  • Benedetta Bertolini (Italy), PhD in Criminal Procedure Law, expert mediator in restorative justice programmes and trainer, consultant and researcher in restorative justice of the Istituto degli Innocenti for AGIA
  • Tim Chapman (Northern Ireland), senior practitioner, trainer and researcher in restorative justice
  • Silvia Randazzo (Italy/Belgium), senior international consultant on child justice and restorative justice

Moderator: Maia Chochua (Georgia), EFRJ Board member

Practicalities & registrations

This event is free of charge, but registration is compulsory: click on "subscribe" to register.

The webinar will be hosted on the Zoom platform. Registered participants will receive the Zoom link prior to the event.

To avoid any unexpected technical difficulties you may run this Zoom test in advance. If needed, find here the link to download the Zoom application on your computer or mobile phone.

The 90-min webinar will start at 11:30 CET (Brussels time). You can login a few minutes before. To adapt the hours to your own time zone you can use this tool.

The event will be in English. Once in the Zoom meeting room, you may enable automated captions to follow the presentations and conversations with automated English subtitles. These may not be fully accurate, but may support your language accessibility needs. 

Photo credits: Graffiti by Rodrigo Soldon Souza on