Blue Suitcase by Drew Coffman - Travel Guide Restorative Cities

Launch Event of the Travel Guide on Restorative Cities


Online, 12 January 2024 at 5-6:30 CET - Register below to receive the Zoom link

A journey around restorative cities in the world: a travel guide” illustrates the journey undertaken by the EFRJ Working Group on Restorative Cities to better understand why and how restorative cities have emerged around the globe and in Europe, how they function, what results they deliver and under which conditions they prove to be effective.

The launch event of the travel guide is scheduled on 12 January 2024 at 17-18:30 CET via Zoom. This will be the occasion to meet (most of) the authors as well as the members of the EFRJ Working Group on Restorative Cities. Registered participants will receive the pdf of the travel guide prior to the event, in order to better prepare for the discussion. 




Register below to receive the Zoom link, with a reminder to attend few days prior to the event.

EFRJ Working Group on Restorative Cities

The EFRJ Working Group on Restorative Cities (WGRC) was established in 2018 to bring together different local experiences that have the intention of creating a cultural change with citizens who are empowered in their conflict resolution skills and decision making. During the drafting of the travel guide, the WGRC was made up of representatives of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), municipalities or universities active in the field of community oriented restorative justice initiatives in the following cities: Bristol (United Kingdom), Como and Lecco (Italy), Leuven (Belgium), Tempio Pausania (Italy), Tirana (Albania) and Wroclaw (Poland). 

coverpage Travel Guide Restorative Cities

A journey around restorative cities in the world

Since its creation, the EFRJ Working Group on Restorative Cities (WGRC)  has travelled virtually or in person around its seven-member cities to share and advance knowledge and practice on restorative cities. In 2021, the WGRC decided it was time for it to open up to cities around the world, in particular to countries with a long tradition in restorative justice, in order to exchange learning and experiences on restorative cities. This journey took the WGRC members (virtually) to Canberra (Australia), Vancouver (Canada) and Whanganui (New Zealand). These cities outside Europe were approached mainly because of existing personal contacts, without striving for completeness; the WG is also aware of other relevant initiatives around the world, but these are not (yet) included in this travel guide.

The travel guide

The results of this journey are included in the publication “A journey around restorative cities in the world: a travel guide” with the purpose to increase attention and provide learning opportunities for policymakers and practitioners working on, or who are interested in restorative cities. This guide aims to demonstrate the process of constructing a restorative city, where such a process is ongoing, or to raise awareness on the potentialities of constructing a restorative city, where such a process has not yet started.

The travel guide is structured in four sections:

  • an introductory chapter to the travel guide and to its topic;
  • a second chapter presenting the main highlights of the journey around restorative cities worldwide;
  • a third chapter analysing in detail the ten restorative cities;
  • a fourth chapter indicating the next steps.

Watch the videorecording of the webinar

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