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Join/ renew the membership!

Membership is open to individuals and organisations who support the general aims of the European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ). Scroll down to know the differences between individual and organisational memberships and full and associate status. 

Please use the form below to become a member or renew your current membership: as we have a new data collection system, we kindly ask all members (new and old) to fill in the same form.



Individual members are private persons who support the mission, vision, and objectives of the EFRJ. They can be pioneers in restorative justice (RJ) in their country, or professionals interested in RJ but not necessarily working in an organization or institution involved in RJ, or students.
Organisational members are governmental departments, institutions, universities or organisations working at the local, regional, national or international level to implement or promote services, research, training or lobbying activities in the field of RJ and related areas.


Voting rights* 



1 vote

Discounts for events such as conferences, seminars, and trainings organised by the EFRJ, discount on EFRJ publications and access to materials unavailable to a larger public (e.g. films)


3 votes

Website visibility, priority to host a EFRJ event, up to 5 discounts for staff members, invitation to project partnerships, and all benefits reserved to individual members

*Voting rights are reserved to full members only, but benefits and fees are the same for full and associate members.

To apply for membership or renew your membership is very easy! You just complete the application form and complete the payment procedure. Your membership will be formally approved at the next Annual General Meeting (June) but you can benefit of all advantages reserved to members from today.


Full members have voting rights, are active in the organisational changes, and they can be nominated to become a Board member. This means that full members play an active role and have responsibilities in organisational matters.
Associate members enjoy the same benefits as full members and pay the same the fee, but they have no voting rights and they cannot be nominated to become a Board member. Associate members are generally members that prefer to be less active in the organisational issues.




Voting rights

Board Membership

Full membership





Associate Membership





The status (full or associate member) can be easily changed by sending an email to the Secretariat asking for the change. In the event of full members not using their right to vote (including a proxy vote) for several consecutive years, the Secretariat will automatically change their status from full to associate member until further notice. This is to ensure that active full members can propose and vote on organisational and constitutional changes.

Bank account details

European Forum for Restorative Justice
IBAN: BE35 4310 7636 5137