CJPE meeting Leuven 2018

Criminal Justice Platform Europe (CJPE)

About the Criminal Justice Platform Europe (CJPE)

Together with other two organisations committed to address criminal justice issues in Europe, the European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) is part of the Criminal Justice Platform Europe (CJPE).
Since 2012, CJPE brings together three organizations working in the fields of detention (EuroPris), Probation (Confederation of European Probation, CEP) and Restorative Justice (EFRJ) ‘to reduce re-offending and the impact of crime and to improve methods of working with victims, communities and offenders throughout Europe.’ CJPE’s special focus for 2015-2017 is on the protection of victims of crime and the prevention of radicalisation. Since July 2017, CJPE organises its annual Criminal Justice Summer Course in Barcelona: the first editions were dedicated to radicalisation, violent extremism and polarisation; in 2020, the Course will be dedicated to responses to sexual violence.

What is the CJPE?

It is a partnership of three network organisations.  Each of them – CEPEuroPris and EFRJ – has a wide membership of organisations from across Europe comprising public authorities, non-governmental organisations, academic institutions and individual experts. The CJPE’s members are equally represented. It is a non-statutory collaboration. The Ministry of Justice in Catalonia supports the CJPE and provides meeting and administration resources in the Centre for Legal Studies, Barcelona.

How was the CJPE started?

In October 2011 a workshop was held in Rotterdam for senior representatives of organisations representing probation, prisons, restorative justice and victims. It was decided to create a new method of collaborating. The CJPE was launched in 2012 with a programme of regular meetings to coordinate activities.

What are its aims?

  • To develop a joint understanding of the chain of needs and responsibilities
  • To have a commitment to shared human rights values
  • To increase respect and understanding for members’ work
  • To achieve financial sustainability for members’ pan-European work

CJPE Priorities 2018 -2020

  • Collaboration on issues of relevance for all three organisations: prison, restorative justice, probation
  • Support the implementation of European and other international regulations
  • Promote offenders’ and victims’ rights
  • Make societies safer
  • Cross-professional exchange
  • Share knowledge
  • Improve professionalism of criminal justice practitioners

Current Activities


Past activities and priorities

CJPE Priorities 2015 -2017

  • Implementing EU Directive establishing minimum standards on the rights, protection and support of victims of crime, including restorative justice arrangements
  • Focusing on issues relating to the implementation of EU Framework Decisions 909, 829 and 947
  • Preventing Radicalization
  • Addressing joint issues in the field of Drug treatment, Family relations, Mental health and Rehabilitation
  • Sharing information and knowledge between the three organisations and their members
  • Advising European institutions on future direction and initiatives from the practitioners point of view
  • Making benefits of joint work and thinking visible

CJPE Activities 2015-2017

  • Annual expert meetings on the implementation of the Victims Directive
  • Seminar for Members of European Parliament and European policy makers on Framework Decisions 947, 909, 829
  • Seminar on Radicalization
  • Developing communication strategy and ways of sharing information and decisions
  • Attendance and contributions to relevant international conferences
  • Joint approaches and communication to European institutions


CJPE Priorities 2014-2015

  • Implementing – EU Directive on the rights, protection and support of victims of crime, including the restorative justice arrangements
  • Focusing – on strategy and practice issues relating to Framework Decisions 909/2008, 829/2008, 947/2008, radicalization and drugs crime
  • Leading and developing – on the implementation of EU initiatives
  • Sharing – information and knowledge between the three organisations and their members
  • Advising European institutions – on future direction and initiatives based on practice and evidence
  • Making visible – benefits of joint work and thinking

CJPE Activities 2014-2015

  • At least 3 Platform Events a year
  • Workshop on implementation of the Victims’ Directive
  • Seminars on new developments and approaches
  • Attendance and contributions to international conferences
  • Developing communication strategy and ways of sharing information and decisions
  • Joint approaches and communication to European institutions

Communication materials of the CJPE

Here you can find the two last leaflets of the CJPE

CJPE leaflet 2015

CJPE leaflet 2018