European Restorative Justice Award

European Restorative Justice Award

This award, launched as part of the celebration of the European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) 10th anniversary, recognises and celebrates outstanding contributions to the development of restorative justice within Europe. These contributions can be in theoretical, practical, empirical or political fields. Awards can be given to individuals, groups or organisations.

The biannual award is presented at the biannual EFRJ International Conference. Laureates are nominated by the Board of the EFRJ upon proposals submitted by the EFRJ membership. The award is unremunerated.

The Encounter of the Encounters

The Encounter of the Encounters

7th European Restorative Justice Award Laureate (2024)

The Encounter of the Encounters has significantly contributed to the development of restorative justice. The first encounter of the group took place in San Sebastian in 2019. Since then, other meetings were organised, promoting cross-borders restorative dialogue between restorative justice participants who experienced political violence and terrorism. "The Encounter of the Encounters offers hope for a better future. This initiative is a testament to the power of dialogue and solidarity in the pursuit of peace and justice. It demonstrates that even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges, we have the capacity to come together and listen to one another."

The award was announced during the 12th International Conference of the EFRJ (29 May) in the Auditorium of the Tallinn University (Estonia) and the laudation speech was held by Brunilda Pali, the Vide-Chair of the EFRJ Board. The award object was specially designed by Clair Aldington in 2022, who is a member of The Encounter of the Encounters. The Encounter of the Encounters didn't deliver an official speech during the ceremony.


Photo by Piret Räni

Siri Kemeny

Siri Kemény (Norway)

6th European Restorative Justice Award Laureate (2022)

Siri Kemény has made an outstanding contribution to the development of restorative justice in a critical period. She has worked with restorative justice for more than three decades taking up various roles, among others she was the Director of the National Mediation Service in Norway (Konfliktrådet), and the Chair of the European Forum for Restorative Justice's Board.

The ceremony took place in Aula Magna (Grand Hall) of the University of Sassari, on the eve of the 11th international conference of the EFRJ (22 June). The award was designed by Clair Aldington, and Siri received it from Tim Chapman. The announcement speech was held by Annemieke Wolthuis. 

Foresee Research Group

Borbála Fellegi & Foresee Research Group (Hungary)

5th European Restorative Justice Award Laureate (2018)

The Foresee Research Group is a young multidisciplinary team of researchers and practitioners from Hungary, committed to combating social inequalities and injustices and promoting restorative justice and other innovative ways of dealing with conflict.  Borbála Fellegi is the founder and the Executive Director of the organisation. By giving this prize to the Foresee team, the European Forum for Restorative Justice wishes to encourage and inspire other (young and less young) persons and groups in Europe pioneering the restorative justice movement often in difficult conditions and still believing in the importance of bringing people together instead of separating them.

Borbála Fellegi & the Foresee Research Group received the European Restorative Justice Award from the Chair of the European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) Board, Tim Chapman, and the EFRJ Director Edit Törzs during the 10th international conference of the EFRJ (Tirana 14 June 2018). The ceremony took place during the opening reception  of the conference, which was offered by the Ministry of Justice of Albania in Vila 31, home of Albanian dictator Enver Hoxha for decades. 

John Blad

John Blad (The Netherlands)

4th European Restorative Justice Award Laureate (2016)

John Blad  is an associate professor in Criminal Law science at the Law School of Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands). 

He was awarded for  his moral commitment, his theoretical reflection and his engagement in all sorts of practice that has made him one of the leading European pioneers in the search for a better and more civilized way of doing justice. He received the award from the Vice-Chair of the European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) Board, Annemieke Wolthuis, during the 9th international conference of the EFRJ


Christa Pelikan portrait

Christa Pelikan (Austria)

3rd European Restorative Justice Award Laureate (2014)

Christa Pelikan is a researcher, working in the field of theory of law and restorative justice, having performed both empirical and theoretical work.  She was awarded for her invaluable research on the application of restorative justice in cases of domestic violence and for her  influential role in the development of restorative justice in general in Europe and in her home country, Austria. 

She received the award from the Chair of the European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) Board, Michael Kilchling during the 8th international conference of the EFRJ in Belfast (Northern Ireland). 

Martin Wright

Dr Martin Wright (United Kingdom)

2nd European Restorative Justice Award Laureate (2012)

Dr Wright received the European Justice  Award for being one of the first scholars in Europe who had substantial influence on the development of restorative justice – and its subsequent proliferation. He received the award from the Chair of the European Forum for Restorative Justice Board, Michael Kilchling. 

Ivo Aertsen

Professor Ivo Aertsen (Belgium)

1st European Restorative Justice Award Laureate (2010)

Professor Ivo Aertsen received the European Restorative Justice Award  for being the driving force in establishing, organising and making the European Forum for Restorative Justice thrive and develop and for stimulating and supporting research in the field of restorative justice, while also keeping a close eye on the practice field. He received the award from the Chair of the European Forum of Restorative Justice Board, Siri Kemeny. (As her speech was not based on pre-written text, and it was not recorded either, it is unavailable today. However, she has written a laudation text for our website in 2020. )