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LetsGoByTalking (2020-2022)

“The society does not treat them seriously (hate crimes), making comments such as  'You  could  have  not  shown  yourself  in  public',  'You  could  have  not  said  what  you  are', 'You could have not displayed affection in public', 'You could have not said that you are like this in that particular place ' (...) 'You could have not dressed in a certain  way', 'You could have not had that haircut', 'You could have not worn earrings', and  so on, and so on”
Victim of an anti_LGBT+ hate crime
silhouette of a person

Protecting and defending the rights of victims of anti-LGBT hate crimes: innovative paths through restorative justice

Partners: Universitat de Barcelona (Spain), Universitat de Girona (Spain), Çavaria vzw (Belgium), Stichtings Avans (Netherlands) , Universita degli Studi di Brescia (Italy), Resursen Tsentsar Bilitis (Bulgaria), Uniwersytet Wroklawski (Poland), European Forum of Restorative Justice (Pan-european). 

Coordinator: Universitat de Barcelona UB 

Duration: 24 months

Funding: European Justice Program.

Summary of project: This project aims to contribute to the reparation of anti-LGBT hate crimes, by guaranteeing the victim’s rights, through the promotion of restorative justice (RJ) in the EU.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in the EU experience discrimination, harassment and violence in different areas of life. According to the EU LGBT Survey almost half of all respondents reported having felt discriminated against or harassed on the ground of sexual orientation or gender identity in the year preceding the survey. Furthermore, a quarter of all respondents had been attacked or threatened with violence in the previous five years. In accordance with the results of the Divercity and Come Forward projects (carried out by the members of the partnership), LGBT people rarely report discrimination or violence to the police or other authorities, mainly due to their distrust in the complaint mechanisms and the judicial system. In addition, according with the data obtained from the SupportVoC project (also developed by some members of the LetsGoByTalking partnership), the criminal process often generates secondary victimisation and does not have the restorative effects that victims need.
Consequently, combating secondary victimisation, strengthening the victims’ trust into the reporting authorities and the judicial system (which would counteract the problem of underreporting), and ensuring a complete restoration of the harm caused by the violence, have become priorities for the European institutions in order to ensure the victims’ rights and to advance LGBT equality. 

Some of the objectives are:

  • To map EU legislation regarding RJ and the rights of victims;
  • To analyse the perspectives of victims of anti-LGBT hate crimes and key professionals;
  • To identify and study programmes of RJ in cases of hate crimes;
  • To foster the exchange of experiences and the cooperation between professionals;
  • To develop training guidelines and courses for RJ practitioners;
  • To raise-awareness about the RJ efficacy;
  • To enhance the rights of victims established in the Directive 2012/29/EU.

Download the booklet discussing the major findings and outcomes of the project: 

Promising Strategies of Restorative Justice in Anti-LGBT Hate Crime Cases

Booklet of the LetsGoByTalking project / 2021.

Content editor: Malini Laxminarayan, European Forum for Restorative
Graphic design: Marian Coppieters, Çavaria
Publisher: LetsGoByTalking Project Consortium, 2021
“Victims of anti-LGBT hate crime are afraid of the justice system since they perceive it somehow as ‘hostile’ for them”
Victim of an anti_LGBT+ hate crime
silhouette of a person
“The victim should always be central within justice. They have to move on with their lives despite the consequences of the harm done. The most urgent training needs for judicial and police authorities are those related to the identification of anti-LGBT hate crimes and the assistance to victims”
Victim of an anti_LGBT+ hate crime
silhouette of a person

You can find more information here

¨I would have accepted (the offer to follow a restorative justice process) because I think it is important that I can tell my story and express my pain. The offender needs to understand what he did to me and the extent to which this has had an impact on my life”
Victim of an anti_LGBT+ hate crime
silhouette of a person

Fore more information contact with our project officer Malini Laxminarayan: mslaxminarayan@gmail.com

“The most important outcome for me would be that the perpetrator actually recognises what he/she/they did wrong. That they understand why a hate crime is so painful”
Victim of an anti_LGBT+ hate crime
silhouette of a person