The European Forum for Restorative Justice organisational member IRSE-EBI (Instituto de Reintegración Social de Euskadi) organised a theatre play “La Mirada del Otro” in in Bilbao the 5th of June at Azkuna Zentroa, the play was followed by a discussion with artists and experts from the field. This initiative was part of the 2-day RJ Symposium organised by the EFRJ on 5-6 June in Deusto University.
Theatre play “La Mirada del otro"
“La Mirada del Otro” is part of a trilogy, product of 10 years research, artistic and pedagocial work conducted by the collective Project 43-2. This specific theatre piece focuses on the restorative encounters between ETA dissidents and the families of their victims, presenting elements for transforming the conflict and promoting a culture of peace. This artwork was performed more than 100 times in 70 different places, including Colombia, where a parallel was made to the peace process of the country. The theatre play is performed in Spanish with English subtitles. The discussion will be in Spanish with consecutive translation in English.
Watch the trailer here (with English subtitles). A new trailer (in Spanish only) is available here.
After the theatre play, there was a moment of sharing with the artists and experts from the field, facilitated by Gemma Varona from the Basque Institute of Criminology.
Ester Pascual Rodríguez, Professor in Law and Criminology, currently directs the degree of criminology at the UFV- Universidad Francisco De Vitoria, combining teaching activity in criminal law and researching on restorative justice. She trained as a mediator in 2005 and since then she has participated in pioneering experiences of restorative justice, among them the restorative meetings between victims and former members of Eta in the Basque country. She designed the intervention protocol and put it into operation, demonstrating that dialogue is possible even in the most unexpected situations. She is the author of several publications in this area among which “La Mirada del otro”.
Maria San Miguel is the actress and playwright of “La mirada del otro”. Maria is the founder and director of Proyecto 43-2, an artistic initiative using theatre as a tool for coexistence which aims at actively participating in the new time of ending violence in the Basque Country.