She is the director of Transforming Conflict*, the National Centre for Restorative Approaches in Youth and Community Settings. She gained her doctorate in 2006 with research into the implementation of a whole school restorative approach. She is passionate about sharing how the ethos, principles and practices of Restorative Approaches can transform communities and institutions. She still runs training courses herself, writes books and articles, develops training materials and resources, and speaks at conferences nationally and internationally. In 2019 she is doing an increasing amount of work in Europe, developing partnerships and links in Belgium, Spain, Ukraine and Germany. She moderates the Facebook page called European Circle for Restorative Educators and is keen to see this as a place for people to network and support each other. Belinda is accredited by the UK Restorative Justice Council as an Accredited Practitioner. She is also member of the European Forum for Restorative Justice Values and Principles Working Group. *Transforming Conflict: founded in the mid 90’s, the organisation was the first to offer training and consultancy to schools who wanted to develop a restorative approach. Transforming Conflict has now established itself as one of the foremost providers of training and consultancy in the field of restorative approaches nationally and internationally. The organisation has been recognised as a provider of high quality training by the UK’s Restorative Justice Council (RJC).