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Forum 15 project (2015)

The Board and the Secretariat of the European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) met in Warsaw on 19-20 May 2015, just before the Annual General Meeting 2015 and seminar on domestic violence and mediation. During this joined meeting, they decided to start and commit to the project ‘Forum 15’. The name of the project reflects the 15th anniversary of the EFRJ to be celebrated during the RJ WEEK 2015 in Leuven.

The project ‘Forum 15’ aims at reviewing the role and strategy of the EFRJ, looking at internal structures and operations of the EFRJ as well as at the external strategies for promoting restorative justice across Europe, and beyond, by involving its members.
The chair of this project was our Board member Tim Chapman from Northern Ireland. Two working groups have been established (an external and an internal one) including all members of the Board and Secretariat. Findings and recommendations of ‘Forum 15’ were presented during the Annual General Meeting 2016 in Leiden, in order for members to vote for approval.

Tim Chapman published an article on the EFRJ Newsletter in order to inform our members about the beginning of this project. Read here the article (Volume 16, Number 3, September 2015).